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[oreilloun]1 (c.1290)

[oreilloun]1 (c.1290)

oriloun,  oroilloun;  osyloun,  oysiloun  
  FEW:  auricula 25,994b Gdf:  oreillon 5,627c GdfC: TL: oreillon 6,1239 DEAF:  oreille (*)  DMF:  oreillon  TLF:  oreillon  OED: MED: DMLBS:  auricula 163a

The primary sense of this word, found in Continental French and Latin as ‘small ear’ (and hence ‘any ear-shaped object’), does not seem to be attested in Anglo-Norman. In the dictionaries of Continental French, the sense ‘plough-ear’ is listed only by TL (from the same Bibbesworth attestation) and is absent from the relevant entries in the DMF and FEW. The DMLBS, in contrast, includes it (as sense 2b). The same sense is also attested sub oreille.

The Anglo-Norman variant spelling with ‘s’ instead of ‘r’ is only found in Nom and appears to be un-etymological.



agriculturalimplementplough-ear, part of the plough-beam to which the harness is attached
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 )  (the parts of the plough:) Primes le chef e le penoun, Le manual e le tenoun. Pardesouz est le oroilloun (M.E. plou reste) (var. (T: 1415-20) oriloun)  BIBB ROTH (G) 919
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 )  L'apparayle pur charue [...] Hay et oysiloun (M.E. Bem and reste)  Nominale 855


See also:

oreillaunce  oreille  oreillé  oreiller1  oreiller2  oreillere1  oreillete1  oreillete2  oreillier  oreilloun1  oreilloun2 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.